§ 230.7100 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Intangible capital asset is an asset that has no physical substance, has more than minimal value, and is expected to be held by an enterprise for continued use or possession beyond the current accounting period for the benefit it yields.

    (b) Tangible capital asset is an asset that has physical substance, more than minimal value, and is expected to be held by an enterprise for continued use or possession beyond the current accounting period for the service it yields.

    (c) Cost of money rate is either—

    (1) The interest rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under Public Law 92-41 (85 Stat. 97); or

    (2) The time-weighted average of the interest rate for each cost accounting period during which the asset is being constructed, fabricated, or developed.

    (d) Representative investment is the calculated amount considered invested by the contractor during the cost accounting period to construct, fabricate, or develop the asset.