§ 235.015-71 - Short form research contract (SFRC).  

Latest version.
  • (a) Scope. This section prescribes procedures for contracting within the U.S. for research on a cost-reimbursement basis with educational institutions or nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is the conduct of scientific research.

    (b) Definitions. As used in this section—

    (1) Educational institution means an institution of higher learning which—

    (i) Provides facilities for teaching and research; and

    (ii) Is authorized to grant academic degrees.

    (2) Nonprofit organization means—

    (i) Organizations of the type—

    (A) Described in section 501 (c)(3) and (d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 501(c)); and

    (B) Exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(a)); or

    (ii) Any nonprofit scientific organization qualified under a state nonprofit organization statute.

    (3) Research includes all effort described as research in 235.001, including that part of exploratory development applicable to applied research.

    (c) Applicability. (1) Do not use the SFRC for any purpose other than as described in this section.

    (2) The procedures in this section may be used if—

    (i) The principal purpose of the acquisition is research from an educational institution or a nonprofit organization;

    (ii) The effort will be on a cost-reimbursement basis;

    (iii) The basis for award is—

    (A) A basic research proposal responding to a broad agency announcement (FAR 6.102(d)(2)); or

    (B) An unsolicited research proposal (FAR 6.302-1); or

    (C) A proposal establishing or maintaining an essential engineering, research, or development capability (FAR 6.302-3); and

    (iv) The contract requires the delivery of designs, drawings, or reports as end items.

    (d) Content of research proposal. Research proposals submitted under this section must contain—

    (1) All the information in FAR 15.505;

    (2) A statement of work complying with FAR 35.005, and a breakdown of the time the principal investigator and any associates will devote to the contract (see FAR 35.015(a)). The breakdown will be by work-days, work-months, or work-years;

    (3) The executed representations on DD Form 2222-1, Representations and Certifications from Offerors Submitting Proposals Under DFARS 235.70. (Representations and certifications submitted on a one-time basis to each contracting office are valid for all SFRC contract awards made by that office only if the offeror in each proposal references the one-time submission and confirms its validity.);

    (4) A statement that the Government may award a contract under the procedures of this section;

    (5)(i) Identification of property in the Contractor-Acquired Property clause by showing for each item, when possible—

    (A) The description of the property; and

    (B) The estimated or known cost;

    (ii) The description of the property should be detailed enough to enable the contracting officer—

    (A) To determine whether the Government will furnish such property under FAR 35.014 and FAR 45.302-1; and

    (B) For property which may be contractor-acquired (versus Government-furnished)—

    (1) To accept it as advance notification required by FAR 52.244-2; and

    (2) To authorize acquisition at time of award;

    (iii) If the offeror proposes to acquire facilities (FAR 45.301), the offeror shall include a written statement which—

    (A) Explains why acquiring these items with contract funds is necessary; and

    (B) Expresses the offeror's unwillingness or financial inability to acquire the items with the offeror's own resources;

    (iv) Special test equipment or components proposed. Individual items of less than $1,000 may be grouped by category (FAR 45.307-2);

    (6) A SF 1411, Contract Pricing Proposal Cover Sheet, or acceptable substitute. FAR 52.244-2(b) prescribes information required for subcontracts;

    (7) Markings complying with FAR 15.509 on the title page and each restricted sheet if the proposal includes data that the offeror does not want disclosed for any purpose other than evaluation. In addition, the offeror should state in the offer or check Block A on page 2 of the DD Form 2222-2 if the offeror grants the Government permission to have nongovernment evaluators review the proposal;

    (8) The following statement:

    (9) Any other applicable FAR or DFARS clauses agreed to by the parties;

    (10) Monthly expenditure estimates by which incremental funding periods may be calculated; and

    (11) An executed DD Form 2222-2, Short Form Research Contract Research Proposal Cover Page.

    (e) Contracting procedures.

    (1) The contracting officer may award a SFRC under full and open competition (FAR Subpart 6.1) when the proposal—

    (i) Is in response to a broad agency announcement under FAR 6.102(d)(2);

    (ii) Contains the information required by 235.015-71(d); and

    (iii) Has been recommended for award under the peer or scientific review procedures of FAR 6.102(d)(2).

    (2) The contracting officer may award an SFRC under other than full and open competition (FAR subpart 6.3) when—

    (i) The proposal is an unsolicited research proposal submitted, evaluated, and accepted under FAR subpart 15.5, which meets the criteria of FAR 6.302-1; or

    (ii) Award is necessary to establish or maintain an essential engineering research or development capability under FAR 6.302-1.

    (3) When a research proposal (solicited or unsolicited) is satisfactory to the Government, the contracting officer should accept the proposal by executing a SFRC incorporating—

    (i) The proposal by reference, or

    (ii) The statement of work by reference.

    (4) When acceptance of the entire research proposal is not advantageous to the Government, the contracting officer should use the acceptable parts of the research proposal. These parts may be either attached or incorporated by reference to develop a contract for execution by both parties. In this event, the contractor must sign the SFRC before the Government signs.

    (5) Use the DD Form 2222, Short Form Research Center (SFRC) Modification, to effect modifications.

    (6) The initial dollar amount and period of performance specified in the award document shall include the initial research program only. The SFRC shall identify separately the options, periods of performance, and costs, if appropriate.

    (7) FAR 35.014 applies to vesting of title in property to organizations defined in 235.015-71(b). DD Form 2222 shall identify property, title to which is not vested in the contractor, or for which a determination of title is deferred.

    (8) The offeror's submission of its proposal under this section 235.015-71 constitutes the offeror's agreement to be bound by all terms and conditions of the resulting contract.

    (f) Advance payments. The contracting officer shall ensure that SFRCs awarded to institutions and organizations authorized to receive advance payments under FAR subpart 32.4 are clearly marked to read “Advance Payment Pool Contract.”

    (g) Method of funding. If incrementally funded, the SFRC shall specify—

    (1) The total estimated cost for the full period of the research program, both funded and unfunded; and

    (2) The amount of funds currently obligated.

    (h) Uniform contract format. The SFRC is exempt from uniform contract format requirements (FAR 15.406).

    (i) SFRC clauses. (1) Include in the contract any FAR or DFARS clause agreed to by the parties and incorporate it by reference or full text, as appropriate.

    (2) The following clauses should be incorporated by reference in all SFRC awards of $25,000 or more. Clauses with a single asterisk (*) apply to educational institutions only. Clauses with a double asterisk (**) apply to nonprofit organizations only.

    (3) The following clauses should be incorporated by reference in all SFRC contracts of $100,000 or more. Clauses with a double asterisk (**) apply to nonprofit organizations only.

    (4) The following clauses should be incorporated by reference, if applicable.