§ 245.608-70 - Contractor inventory redistribution system (CIRS).  

Latest version.
  • (a) Screen serviceable and usable contractor inventory through CIRS when it—

    (1) Is listed on SF 1428, Inventory Schedule B, or SF 1434, Inventory Schedule E; and

    (2) Has a national stock number, and line item acquisition value in excess of $50; or

    (3) Has a line item acquisition value in excess of $1,000 ($500 for furniture) but no national stock number.

    (b) Using Standard Form 120, Report of Excess Personal Property, the plant clearance officer will send two copies of SF 1428 or SF 1434 (or authorized substitutes) to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS). DRMS will notify the plant clearance officer of items processed, not accepted, or available for local area screening.

    (c) Property subject to CIRS processing will be screened within DoD for 30 days. On the 31st day, unless otherwise specified on SF Form 120, appropriate items not requisitioned by DoD will be reported to the General Services Administration (GSA) for standard Federal agency and donation screening. Examples of items which are not reportable to GSA include usable hazardous cleaners and solvents.

    (d) For requisitioned items, DRMS will issue shipping instructions to the plant clearance officer. During the first 45 days of the screening period, the plant clearance officer forwards any requisitions received to DRMS. After 45 days, the plant clearance officer forwards the requisition directly to GSA.

    (e) The contractor sends one copy of the shipping document to DRMS when shipment has been made.

    (f) Unless directed by the contracting officer, motor vehicles excess to Army and Navy contracts shall not be screened through CIRS.