§ 245.7303 - Formal bid procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The contractor will use formal invitations for bid unless the plant clearance officer approves use of informal bid procedures.

    (b) The contractor shall solicit bids at least 15 calendar days before bid opening to allow adequate opportunity to inspect property and prepare bids.

    (c) For large sales, the contractor may use summary lists of items offered as bid sheets with detailed descriptions attached.

    (d) In addition to mailing or delivering notice of the proposed sale to prospective bidders, the contractor may, when the results are expected to justify the additional expense—

    (1) Display a notice of the proposed sale in appropriate public places.

    (2) Publish a sales notice in appropriate trade journals or magazines and local newspapers.

    (e) When the acquisition cost of the property to be sold at one time, in one place, is $250,000 or more, the contractor shall send a notice of the proposed sale to: U.S. Department of Commerce, Commerce Business Daily, Sales Section, P.O. Box 5999, Chicago, IL 60680.

    (1) The contractor shall send the CBD notice at least 20 days before bid opening, or date of sale.

    (2) CBD notices shall be—

    (i) Double spaced and in synopsis form suitable for printing;

    (ii) Transmitted by fastest mail available; and

    (iii) Contain the following information in the order listed:

    (A) Name and address of contractor issuing the invitation for bids;

    (B) Name or title, address, and telephone number of the official from whom copies of the sales offering and other information can be obtained;

    (C) Description of the property to be sold including, when desired, the total estimated acquisition cost;

    (D) The number of the invitation or sale;

    (E) The date of the sale or bid opening;

    (F) The type of sale, i.e., sealed bid, spot bid, auction; and

    (G) The location of the property.

    (f) The plant clearance officer or representative will witness the bid opening. Within two working days after bid opening, the contractor will submit to the plant clearance officer two copies of an abstract of all bids, signed by the witnessing Government representative.