§ 252.232-7018 - Progress Payments—Multiple Lots.  

Latest version.
  • 252.232-7018 Progress Payments—Multiple Lots.

    As prescribed in 232.502–4–70(c), use the following clause:

    Progress Payments—Multiple Lots (MAY 2023)

    (a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

    Lot means one or more fixed-price deliverable line items or deliverable subline items representing a single, severable group where the sum of the costs for each group is segregated and a single progress payment rate is used.

    Multiple lots means more than one lot on a single contract where progress payment proration is performed on a lot-wide, versus contract-wide, basis.

    (b) When submitting progress payment requests under the billing instructions in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.232–16, Progress Payments, or Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) clause 252.232–7002, Progress Payments for Foreign Military Sales Acquisitions, of this contract, the Contractor shall—

    (1) Submit separate progress payment requests for each lot identified in the contract;

    (2) Identify the contract price for the lot as the sum of all fixed-priced line items identified to the lot, in accordance with FAR 32.501–3;

    (3) Identify the lot on each progress payment request to which the request applies;

    (4) Calculate each request on the basis of the price, costs (including the cost to complete), subcontractor financing, and progress payment liquidations of the lot to which it applies; and

    (5) Distribute costs among lots in a manner acceptable to the Administrative Contracting Officer.

    (c) Submit a separate progress payment request for U.S. and FMS requirements in accordance with the DFARS clause 252.232–7002, Progress Payments for Foreign Military Sales Acquisitions, of this contract.

    (End of clause)

    [88 FR 33833, May 25, 2023]