§ 28.203-5 - Exclusion of individual sureties.  

Latest version.
  • 28.203-5 Release Exclusion of lienindividual sureties.

    (a) After consultation with legal counsel, the contracting officer shall release the security interest on the individual surety's assets using the Optional Form 90, Release of Lien on Real Property, or Optional Form 91, Release of Personal Property from Escrow, or a similar release as soon as possible consistent with the conditions in subparagraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this subsection. A surety's assets pledged in support of a payment bond may be released to a subcontractor or supplier upon Government receipt of a Federal district court judgment, or a sworn statement by the subcontractor or supplier that the claim is correct along with a notarized authorization of the release by the surety stating that it approves of such release.

    (1) Contracts subject to the Bonds statute. The security interest shall be maintained for the later of (i) 1 year following final payment, (ii) until completion of any warranty period (applicable only to performance bonds), or (iii) pending resolution of all claims filed against the payment bond during the 1-year period following final payment.

    (2) Contracts subject to alternative payment protection (28.102-1(b)(1)). The security interest shall be maintained for the full contract performance period plus one year.

    (3) Other contracts not subject to the Bonds statute. The security interest shall be maintained for 90 days following final payment or until completion of any warranty period (applicable only to performance bonds), whichever is later.

    (b) Upon written request, the contracting officer may release the security interest on the individual surety's assets in support of a bid guarantee based upon evidence that the offer supported by the individual surety will not result in contract award.

    (c) Upon written request by the individual surety, the contracting officer may release a portion of the security interest on the individual surety's assets based upon substantial performance of the contractor's obligations under its performance bond. Release of the security interest in support of a payment bond must comply with the subparagraphs (a)

    (1) through (3) of this subsection. In making this determination, the contracting officer will give consideration as to whether the unreleased portion of the lien is sufficient to cover the remaining contract obligations, including payments to subcontractors and other potential liabilities. The individual surety shall, as a condition of the partial release, furnish an affidavit agreeing that the release of such assets does not relieve the individual surety of its obligations under the bond(s).

    [54 FR 48988, Nov. 28, 1989, as amended at 61 FR 31652, June 20, 1996; 79 FR 24210, Apr. 29, 2014

    An individual may be excluded from acting as a surety on bonds submitted by offerors on procurement by the executive branch of the Federal Government, by the acquiring agency's head or designee utilizing the procedures in subpart 9.4. The exclusion shall be for the purpose of protecting the Government.

    (b) An individual may be excluded for any of the following causes:

    (1) Failure to fulfill the obligations under any bond.

    (2) Failure to disclose all bond obligations.

    (3) Misrepresentation of the value of available assets or outstanding liabilities.

    (4) Any false or misleading statement, signature or representation on a bond or affidavit of individual suretyship.

    (5) Any other cause affecting responsibility as a surety of such serious and compelling nature as may be determined to warrant exclusion.

    (c) An individual surety excluded pursuant to this section shall be entered as an exclusion in the System for Award Management (see 9.404).

    (d) Contracting officers shall not accept the bonds of individual sureties whose names appear in an active exclusion record in the System for Award Management (see 9.404) unless the acquiring agency's head or a designee states in writing the compelling reasons justifying acceptance.

    (e) An exclusion of an individual surety under this section will also preclude such party from acting as a contractor in accordance with subpart 9.4.

    [86 FR 3685, Jan. 14, 2021]