§ 307.170-2 - Training course prerequisites.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Project officers. (1) Newly appointed project officers, and project officers with less than three years experience and no previous related training, are required to take the appropriate “Basic Project Officer” course. (The grade level for project officers attending the course should be GS-7 and above.) All project officers are encouraged to take the appropriate “Writing Statements of Work” course.

    (2) Project officers with more than three years experience, and project officers with less than three years experience who have successfully completed the appropriate basic course, are qualified (and encouraged) to take the “Advanced Project Officer” course.

    (3) Project Officers on HHS projects for which HHS or OMB requires an Exhibit 300 [under OMB Circular A-11, part 7] must successfully complete either HHS” “Early Warning Project Management System Workshop” or an equivalent Earned Value Management course (see paragraph 307.170(c)).

    (4) Additional information on prerequisites for attendance of these courses may be found in the “DHHS Acquisition Training and Certification Program Handbook.”

    (b) Technical proposal evaluators. Technical proposal evaluators, regardless of experience, are required to take the appropriate “Basic Project Officer” course or its equivalent. Upon successful completion of the basic course, it is recommended that they take the appropriate “Advanced Project Officer” course. Peer and objective reviewers are excluded from these requirements.