§ 31.106-1 - Applicable cost principles.  

Latest version.
  • The cost principles and procedures applicable to the evaluation and determination of costs under facilities contracts (as defined in 45.301), and subcontracts thereunder, will be governed by the type of entity to which a facilities contract is awarded. Except as otherwise provided in 31.106-2 below, subpart 31.2 applies to facilities contracts awarded to commercial organizations; subpart 31.3 applies to facilities contracts awarded to educational institutions; and 31.105 applies to facilities contracts awarded to construction contractors. Whichever cost principles are appropriate will be used in the pricing of facilities contracts and contract modifications if cost analysis is performed as required by 15.404-1(c). In addition, the contracting officer shall incorporate the cost principles and procedures appropriate in the circumstances (e.g., subpart 31.2; subpart 31.3; or 31.105) by reference in facilities contracts as the basis for—

    (a) Determining reimbursable costs under facilities contracts, including cost-reimbursement subcontracts thereunder;

    (b) Negotiating indirect cost rates; and

    (c) Determining costs of terminated contracts when the contractor elects to voucher out costs (see subpart 49.3), and for settlement by determination (see 49.109-7).