§ 315.7002 - Procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Requests for contract are required to be prepared by the program office for all proposed negotiated acquisitions estimated to exceed the small purchase limitation.

    (b) The program office should submit the RFC as early as possible to the contracting activity. The proposed period of time between the date of submission of the RFC and the date of contract award (or date of delivery of the product, service, study, etc.) should be determined by the project officer, contract negotiator, and, if necessary, the contracting officer. The amount of leadtime should be determined on a case-by-case basis and should reflect the characteristics and complexities of the individual acquisition. When lengthy and/or involved clearances or special approval are required, for example, they must be taken into account when the leadtime is determined. If a formal acquisition planning document is used, (see subpart 307.1), the RFC should be submitted in accordance with the timetable set forth in that document. OPDIV, agency, and regional office contracting activities may prescribe specific leadtimes for submission of RFC's in their implementation of this subpart.