§ 315.7005 - Format and content.  

Latest version.
  • The Department does not prescribe a standard format for the RFC document, but recommends the use of a format similar to what is provided in this section. The subject areas addressed in paragraphs (a) and (b) must be included in every RFC document, whereas the areas addressed in paragraph (c) need only be included if applicable. An OPDIV, agency, or regional office contracting activity may prescribe a standard format for the RFC document and may include additional subject areas that are pertinent to that activity's needs. Some of the information to be furnished in the RFC document may be repetitive of that found in the acquisition planning document. If this information has not changed since the development of the acquisition planning document, the RFC document may either restate the information as it appears in the acquisition planning document or cross reference the applicable portion where the information appears.

    (a) The RFC document must contain the following:

    (1) Purpose of contract. A brief, general description of requirements, including the citation of the legislation which authorizes the program or project, is to be provided, along with a statement as to the intended purpose/use of the proposed contract.

    (2) Background and need. The background history and necessity for the proposed contract are to be described. This section is to include prior, present, and planned efforts by the program office in the same or related areas, and a description of efforts by other departmental activities and Federal agencies in the same or related program areas, if known. In addition, specific project information such as the relevance or contribution to overall program objectives, reasons for the need, priority, and project overlap are to be provided.

    (3) Period of performance. The number of months (or other time period) required for total performance, and, if applicable, for each phase of work indicated in the statement of work, is to be specified. The program office must indicate the proposed starting date and the required date of delivery for each deliverable.

    (4) Estimated cost and fund citation. The project officer's estimate of the total cost of the proposed contract, and, if applicable, the estimate for each phase indicated in the statement of work, is to be provided. The project officer must provide a cost breakdown of all contributing cost factors, to include an estimate of the technical staff hours, direct materials, subcontracting, travel, etc. The project officer may consult with contracting and cost advisory personnel in developing this information. This section must include the certification of funds availability for the particular proposed acquisition, along with the appropriation and accounting information citations. When funds are not currently available but are anticipated, a statement indicating that the financial plan includes provision for the funds for the proposed acquisition but the funds are not yet available for obligation shall be included in lieu of the certification of funds availability. (Contracts cannot be awarded unless funds are available, but see FAR 32.703-2.)

    (5) Reference material. A list, by title and description, of study reports, plans, drawings, and other data to be made available to prospective offerors for use in preparation of proposals and/or the contractor for use in performance of the contract is to be provided. The project officer must indicate whether this material is currently available or when it will be available.

    (6) Technical evaluation criteria and instructions. The project officer is to include the technical evaluation criteria, which have been developed based on the requirements of the specific project, and any instructions and information which will assist in the preparation of prospective offerors’ technical proposals. For example, critical areas discussed in the statement of work and the relative order of importance and weights assigned to each of these areas for technical evaluation purposes must be identified. These areas may include understanding of the problem, technical approach, experience, personnel, facilities, etc.

    (7) Sources for solicitation. The project officer is to develop and include a list of known potential sources by name and mailing address. The project officer is encouraged to use trade and professional journals and publications to identify new prospective sources to supplement the list of known sources. Efforts to identify set-aside possibilities, i.e., small, disadvantaged, and labor surplus areas, and women-owned businesses, must be explained.

    (8) Special approvals, clearances, and requirements. All special approvals, clearances, and requirements pertinent to the proposed acquisition are to be listed in this section. Copies of the actual documents are to be attached to the RFC. If the approval, clearance, or requirement has been requested and is being processed, a footnote to this effect, including all pertinent details, must be included in this section. A list of Government-wide and Department imposed approvals, clearances, and requirements is set forth in 307.105-2. Comprehensive checklists of these and any OPDIV, agency, regional office, etc. special approvals, clearances, and requirements shall be provided for reference purposes to program offices by the servicing contracting activity.

    (9) Identification and disposition of data. The project officer must identify the data expected to be generated by the acquisition and specify the data to be delivered to the Department (see 315.7005(b)(2)) and that to be retained by the contractor. The project officer must also include information relative to the use, maintenance, disclosure, and disposition of data. The project officer must include a statement as to whether or not another acquisition, based upon the data generated by the proposed acquisition, is anticipated. The project officer must also include a statement indicating whether the proposed acquisition is or is not subject to the Privacy Act (see FAR subpart 24.1 and subpart 324.1).

    (10) Project officer and alternate. The project officer's name, title, organization, mailing address, and telephone number are to be provided in this section, along with the same data for the project officer's alternate. In addition, a statement that the project officer has completed the Department's project officer training course is to be provided (see 307.170).

    (b) The following must be submitted with every RFC but are to be prepared as separate attachments so they may be readily adopted into the request for proposal format:

    (1) Statement of work or specification. The statement of work describes the requirements to be performed and may describe the methods to be used (see 307.105-3 and FAR 35.005 for a detailed explanation). A specification is used in lieu of a statement of work when a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for a product, material, or service can be provided along with the procedure to determine that the requirements have been met. It is essential that a complete and comprehensive statement of work or specification be provided by the project officer.

    (2) Schedule of deliverables or reporting requirements. The project officer must specifically describe what is to be delivered and when it is to be delivered to ensure proper contract monitoring. Usually, technical and financial progress reports and the final report are prescribed in this section. These reports should be tailored to the instant acquisition and should avoid unnecessary and burdensome reporting requirements.

    (c) The following may not be applicable to all RFC's but must be included as attachments whenever any do apply:

    (1) Government property. The project officer must identify, as referenced in the statement of work, the types, individual items, and quantities of Government property to be furnished to or allowed to be acquired by, the resultant contractor, if known. The project officer must specify when the Government property is to be made available to the resultant contractor.

    (2) Special terms and conditions. The project officer may suggest inclusion of any special terms and conditions applicable to the proposed acquisition not already covered in the statement of work or the applicable contract general provisions.

    (3) Justification for other than full and open competition. If the proposed acquisition is to be awarded using other than full and open competition, a justification, prepared in accordance with FAR subpart 6.3 and subpart 306.3, must be submitted as an attachment to the RFC.

    (4) Privacy Act “system notice.” When the project officer has determined that the requirements of the Privacy Act are applicable to the proposed acquisition, a copy of the “system notice” must be attached to the RFC (see 324.103(d)).