§ 3513.203-1 - General.

Latest version.
  • (a) Blanket purchase agreements may be established for supplies or services which are readily available and for which their purchase does not require detailed technical specifications, technical inspection, or complex terms and conditions.

    (b) Only the contracting officer (CO) and officials authorized by a CO and designated in the BPA shall be permitted to request deliveries. Delivery (call) orders shall usually be made by telephone or in person. Before placing a call order against the BPA, each requirement shall be screened for availability from Commission inventory sources and from the mandatory sources of supply prescribed in FAR part 8. Necessary controls shall be maintained by the person placing the call orders under the BPA to ensure that any limitation stated therein is not exceeded. The BPA identification number shall be specified each time a delivery is requested.

    (c) The procedure for establishing and using BPA's is prescribed in the Commission's Financial Systems Manual 14.020, covering BPA's in general, and 14.007, covering BPA's for automotive parts.