§ 3513.505-71 - Division Purchase Order.

Latest version.
  • (a) General. The Division Purchase Order (DPO), PCC Form No. 3163, may be used by all activities that have contracting authority for the decentralized procurement of supplies and services (see 3501.601(b)). When repetitive purchases within the authorized DPO dollar limitation are made for the same supplies or services, the activity shall request the Chief, Purchasing and Contracts Branch to establish a BPA (see subpart 3513.2). A detailed procedure for the use of the DPO is prescribed in the Commission's Financial Systems Manual 14.005, covering DPO's in general, and 14.007, covering DPO's for automotive parts.

    (b) Responsibilities. (1) Bureau directors and heads of independent units that use the DPO shall—

    (i) Ensure that, whenever practicable, the functions of procurement approval, receipt documentation, and payment approval in the use of a DPO are performed by three separate persons. In no case shall the same person be permitted to perform all three functions.

    (ii) Approve and sign all DPO's, subject to the conditions specified in paragraphs (b) (2)(iii) and (3) of this subsection, or appoint in writing by position or by name one or more purchasing agents to act as approval and signatory authority. Such appointees shall be at an organizational level sufficient to ensure responsible control over the obligation of funds that the DPO represents.

    (2) Designated purchasing agents shall—

    (i) Approve and sign DPO's within their delegated dollar authority.

    (ii) Supervise the use and issuance of DPO's and verify that such use and issuance are in compliance with the FAR, this PAR, and the Commission's Financial Systems Manual.

    (iii) Ensure that the following conditions exist before approving purchases to be made on DPO's:

    (A) There is a valid need for the supplies or services;

    (B) A unit fund controller has certified the availability of funds for the proposed purchase;

    (C) The vendor is reputable and the price is reasonable; and

    (D) The DPO is not being used as a means to purchase a known requirement in excess of the authorized DPO dollar limitation by fragmentizing the requirement (i.e., by breaking the total quantity of the requirement into smaller quantities that can be purchased on two or more DPO's, each of which does not exceed the authorized dollar limitation but which, collectively, will result in the purchase of the total quantity of the requirement).

    (3) Individuals authorized to approve and sign DPO's shall ensure that Government funds are not expended for standard stock items, unauthorized office supplies, furnishings, appliances, or for items that are intended solely for personal convenience or to satisfy personal desires of an official or that are nonessential to the needs of the Government and do not contribute to the fulfillment of the Commission's mission.

    (4) The General Services Director shall delegate authority for contracting by means of DPO's to bureau directors and heads of independent units. Such delegation shall be published from time to time in bulletin or memorandum form and shall conform to dollar limitations approved by the Administrator.

    (c) Panama Preference. DPO purchases shall conform to the Treaty preference given to supplies and services obtainable in Panama, as prescribed in subpart 3570.1.