§ 370.502 - Definitions.  

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  • (a) Buy Indian contract means any contract involving activities covered by the Buy Indian Act that is negotiated under the provisions of 41 U.S.C. 252(c) and 25 U.S.C. 47 between an Indian firm and a Contracting Officer representing IHS.

    (b) Indian means a member of any Tribe, pueblo, band, group, village or community that is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior as being Indian or any individual or group of individuals that is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of HHS. The Secretary of HHS in making determinations may take into account the determination of the Tribe with which affiliation is claimed.

    (c) Indian firm means a sole enterprise, partnership, corporation, or other type of business organization owned, controlled, and operated by one or more Indians (including, for the purpose of sections 301 and 302 of Public Law 94–437, former or currently Federally recognized Indian tribes in the State of New York) or by an Indian firm; or a nonprofit firm organized for the benefit of Indians and controlled by Indians ( see 370.503(a) ).

    (d) Product of Indian industry means anything produced by Indians through either physical labor or intellectual effort involving the use and application of their skills.