§ 515.905-1 - Common factors.  

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  • (a) Contractor Effort encompasses broad and basic categories but shall not include facilities capital cost of money. Individual proposals may be in a different format.

    (b) After computing a total dollar profit for Contractor Effort, the contracting officer shall calculate the specific profit dollars for the categories under other factors. This is done by multiplying the total Government cost objective, exclusive of any cost of money for facilities capital, by the specific weights assigned to the elements within the Other Factors category.

    (c) In determining the value of each factor, the contracting officer should be governed by the definition, description, and purpose of the factors together with considerations for evaluating them as prescribed in FAR 15.905-1 and the following:

    (1) General management. Management problems surface in various degrees and the management expertise exercised to solve them should be considered as an element of profit. For example, a new program for an item that involves advanced state of the art techniques may cause more problems and require more managerial time and abilities of a higher order than one that is a follow-on contract. If new contracts create more problems and require a higher profit weight, follow-ons should be adjusted downward, as many of the problems should have been solved. An evaluation should be made of the underlying managerial effort involved on a case-by-case basis.

    (2) Other-costs. Include all other direct costs of contractor performance under this item (e.g., travel and relocation, direct support, and consultants). Analysis of these costs in assigning profit weights must include (i) their significance, (ii) their nature, and (iii) how much they contribute to contract performance.

    (3) Contract-cost-risk. Where the proper contract type has been selected, the reward for risk by contract type would usually fall into the following ranges:

    Cost-reimbursement type contracts0-3%Fixed-price type contracts3-7%

    (i) A cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract normally would not justify a reward for risk in excess of 0 percent, unless the contract contains cost risk features such as ceilings on overheads. In such cases, up to 1 percent may be justified. Cost-plus-incentive-fee contracts fill the remaining portion of the 0 to 3 percent range with weightings directly related to such factors as confidence in target cost, share ratio of fee(s), etc. The weight range for fixed-price contracts is wide enough to accommodate the many types of fixed-price arrangements. Weighting should indicate the cost risk assumed, with only firm fixed-price contracts reaching the top end of the range.

    (ii) The contractor's subcontracting program may significantly impact the contractor's risk under a contract. It could affect risk in terms of both cost and performance. This should be a part of the contracting officer's overall evaluation in selecting a weight for cost risk. The prime contractor may effectively transfer cost risk to a subcontractor and the risk evaluation may, as a result, be below the range that would otherwise apply for the contract type being proposed. The risk evaluation should not be lowered, however, merely because a substantial portion of the contract cost represents subcontracts without any substantial transfer of contractor's risk.

    (iii) In evaluating risk in the definitization of letter contracts, unpriced change orders, and unpriced orders under basic ordering agreements, the effect on risk as a result of partial performance before definitization should be considered. Under some circumstances the total risk may have been effectively reduced. Under other circumstances, the contractor's risk may have remained substantially unchanged. To be equitable, the determination of a profit weight for all recognized costs, both those incurred and those yet to be expended, must be made with consideration to all attendant circumstances, not just to the portion of costs incurred or percentage of work completed before definitization.

    (iv) Service contracts should have a weight range for cost risk of 0 to 4 percent. A firm fixed-price contract, which is not priced on a labor-hour method, may warrant additional consideration for contractor cost risk. In those circumstances, a weight of up to 4 percent is authorized. Conversely, a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee service contract normally warrants a zero cost risk factor.

    (4) Capital investment. The evaluation of this factor for profit weights should include the following:

    (i) Facilities. To evaluate how this factor contributes to the profit objective requires knowledge of the level of facilities use needed for contract performance, the source of financing of the facilities, and the overall cost effectiveness of the facilities offered. Contractors who furnish their own facilities that significantly contribute to lower total contract costs, should receive additional profit. Contractors who rely on the Government to provide or finance facilities should receive less profit. Situations between the above examples should be evaluated on their merits with either a positive or negative profit weight adjustment, as appropriate, being made. However, when a contractor who owns a large quantity of facilities is to perform a contract that does not benefit from these facilities, or where a contractor's use of its facilities has a minimum cost impact on the contract, profit need not be adjusted.

    (ii) Payments. The frequency of payments by the Government to the contractor should be considered. The key to this weighting is the impact the contract will have on the contractor's cash flow. Generally, for payments more frequent than monthly, negative consideration should be given, with maximum reduction as the contractor's working capital approaches zero. Positive consideration should be given for payments less frequent than monthly with additional consideration given for payments less frequent than the contractor's or the industry's normal practice.

    (5) Cost control and other past accomplishments. See FAR 15.905-1(e).

    (6) Federal socio economic programs. See FAR 15.905-1(c).

    (7) Special situations and independent development. See FAR 15.905-1(f).