§ 516.505 - Contract clauses.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 552.216-73, Placement of Order, in solicitations and contracts for stock or special order program items when the contract authorizes FSS and other agencies to issue delivery orders. If only FSS will issue delivery orders under any of its supply programs, use Alternate I. If a Federal Supply Schedule contract (single or multiple award) permits other agencies to issue delivery orders, use Alternate II.

    (b) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 552.216-74, Ordering Information, in solicitations for stock items and in other Federal Supply Service solicitations when the clause at 552.216-73 is prescribed. Insert 552.216-74 Alternate I when 552.216-73 Alternate I is prescribed. Insert 552.216-74 Alternate II when 552.216.73 Alternate II is prescribed.