§ 516.603-3 - Limitations.

Latest version.
  • Architect-Engineer (A-E) Services

    (a) Requirement for a price proposal. Before you award a letter contract, the proposed A-E must provide a price proposal for the non-design effort.

    (b) Contents of each letter contract. You must include the following information in the letter contract:

    (1) The scope. If you include the design effort, only authorize the A-E to perform those services that are independent of the design effort (for example, feasibility studies, existing facility surveys or site investigation, etc.). Do not authorize the A-E to begin the design effort before the letter contract is definitized.

    (2) A definitization schedule. Include dates for each of the following:

    (i) Submission of the design fee proposal.

    (ii) Start of negotiations.

    (iii) Definitization. This date must be no later than 90 days after the date of the letter contract.

    (3) A limitation on the Government's liability for the non-design effort to be performed under the contract. Insert this amount in FAR 52.216-24, Limitation of Government Liability.

    (c) Unilateral price decision. If you must issue a unilateral price decision, the maximum contract amount must not exceed a reasonable price for the excludable items plus the 6 percent statutory fee limitation for the project.