§ 52.102-2 - Incorporation in full text.

Latest version.
  • (a) A provision or clause shall be incorporated in solicitations and/or contracts in full text if it—

    (1) Requires completion by the offeror or prospective contractor;

    (2) Is a FAR provision or clause that will be used with an authorized deviation (see subpart 1.4);

    (3) Is a FAR provision or clause that is not authorized to be incorporated by reference (see subpart 52.3);

    (4) Is prescribed for use in an agency acquisition regulation published at levels below those specified in 52.102-1(a)(2);

    (5) Is a special provision or clause of the type described in 52.101(b)(2)(i)(C);

    (6) Will be used in a specific acquisition or class of acquisitions covered by a written determination of the chief of the contracting office to restrict the use of incorporation by reference for valid reasons; or

    (7) Is prescribed on a “substantially as follows” or “substantially the same as” basis in the FAR or an agency acquisition regulation specified in 52.102-1(a)(2), but will not be used verbatim.

    (b) Provisions and clauses of the type described in 52.101(b)(2)(i)(C), if developed by an organizational element below that of the agency headquarters level, shall be subject to agency oversight through the agency procedure required by 1.202.

    (c) Provisions completed as annual representations and certifications are not required to be incorporated in solicitations in full text.