§ 522.302 - Liquidated damages and overtime pay.

Latest version.
  • (a) The Administrator has designated the Heads of Central Office Services to make determinations under FAR 22.302(c).

    (b) Upon a final administrative determination regarding the assessment of liquidated damages, the contracting officer notifies the appropriate Finance Office of the decision and provides necessary instructions regarding the disposition of funds withheld or the collection of funds. If funds were withheld from contract payments to satisfy the claim for liquidated damages pending a final administrative determination, the appropriate Finance Office shall be instructed to immediately release any funds in excess of the amount specified in the final administrative determination to the contractor. If funds were not withheld or if the amount of liquidated damages assessed exceeds that amount withheld for liquidated damages, the contracting officer initiates collection action by withholding funds from payments due on the instant contract or by issuing a demand for payment. When the contractor has other Government contracts the demand letter should indicate the Government's intent to offset if payment is not made. The contracting officer will provide the appropriate Finance Office with a copy of the demand for payment and request that the Finance Office initiate collection action under 41 CFR Part 105-55, Collection of Claims Owed the United States, if payment is not made in accordance with the demand letter.