§ 5315.890-2 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • FPAs should be established as necessary to ease negotiation of large numbers of contract actions and reduce administrative costs and lead time. However, FPAs shall only be negotiated with contractors having a significant volume of Government business and application normally shall be limited to acquisitions under $100,000. FPAs anticipating individual acquisitions over $100,000, shall be approved by the HCA and shall specifically establish the maximum dollar amount for an acquisition priced using the FPA. Proposals received above $100,000 must be submitted with an SF 1411 and a certificate of current cost or pricing data. All FPAs shall—

    (a) Be in writing and signed by a contracting officer;

    (b) Only be negotiated with contractors who are under Government in-plant contract administration cognizance and have a resident DCAA auditor. (This requirement may be waived with HCA approval);

    (c) Not cover cost elements, such as those portions of direct labor and material costs which require discrete estimating and analysis;

    (d) Identify all rates/factors that are a part of the FPA; however, the FPA may reference a FPRA(s) as long as the agreement prescribes the effect and treatment of changes in the FPRA;

    (e) Provide specific terms and conditions covering expiration date, application, and data requirements (e.g. actual cost data) for systematic monitoring to assure the continuing validity of the agreement;

    (f) Provide for cancellation at the option of either party;

    (g) Require the contractor to submit to the contracting officer, and to the cognizant contract auditor, any significant change in cost or pricing data, estimating system, or accounting system and its impact on the FPA;

    (h) Require the contractor to identify the FPA and the date of the latest certification of cost or pricing data supporting the FPA in each specific pricing proposal where the formula is used. The contractor shall also be required to identify those items that were not priced with the formula if they are commingled in a proposal that contains items priced with the formula;

    (i) Provide that the FPA shall not be used if the contractor's purchasing, estimating, or accounting system are disapproved by the Government;

    (j) Provide that the contracting officer, or designated representative, may perform detailed cost or price analysis on random samples of proposed items and/or those items that have units which are significantly higher than previous buys;

    (k) Be supported by certified cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.804, including the submission of a signed certificate of current cost or pricing data at the time agreement is reached on the FPA (and on an annual basis thereafter), and shall provide that contractual documents for items priced using the FPA, shall include the clause at FAR 52.215-22, “Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data;”

    (l) Provide that the price of individual contract actions priced under the FPA shall be adjusted if—

    (1) It is found that the cost or pricing data supporting the FPA was not accurate, current, or complete;

    (2) The contractor fails to comply with 5315.890-2(g); or

    (3) The price was developed through incorrect application of the FPA;

    (m) Provide that individual contract actions priced using the FPA shall contain a clause incorporating the FPA by reference; and

    (n) Be based on a pricing methodology that ensures that unit prices are in proportion to the item's base cost (see FAR 15.812).