Part 613 - Simplified Acquisition Procedures  

Subpart 613.1 - General
§ 613.103 - Policy.
§ 613.103-70 - Acquisition by overseas posts.
Subpart 613.2 - Actions At or Below the Micro-Purchase Threshold
§ 613.201 - General.
Subpart 613.3 - Simplified Acquisition Methods
§ 613.302 - Purchase orders.
§ 613.303 - Blanket purchase agreements (BPAs).
§ 613.305 - Imprest funds and third party drafts.
§ 613.307 - Forms.
§ 613.302-1 - General.
§ 613.302-5 - Clauses.
§ 613.303-1 - General.
§ 613.303-5 - Purchases under BPAs.
§ 613.303-6 - Review procedures.
§ 613.305-3 - Conditions for use.
§ 613.302-5-70 - DOSAR clauses.
§ 613.307-70 - File folders for purchase orders, delivery orders, blanket purchase agreements, and purchase card transactions.
Subpart 613.4 - Imprest Fund
§ 613.403 - Conditions for use.
Subpart 613.5 - Purchase Orders
§ 613.501 - General.
§ 613.505 - Purchase order and related forms.
§ 613.507 - Provisions and clauses.
§ 613.505-1 - Optional Form (OF) 347, Order for Supplies or Services, and Optional Form 348, Order for Supplies or Services Schedule—Continuation.
§ 613.505-70 - File folders for simplified acquisitions, delivery orders, and blanket purchase agreements.
§ 613.507-70 - DOSAR clauses.
Subpart 613.6-70 - Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program
§ 613.601-70 - Policy.