§ 634.001 - Definitions.  

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  • Major system:

    (a) The definition of “major system” in OMB Circular No. A-109, Major System Acquisitions (A-109), provides no exclusions; however, FAR 34.001 excludes from the definition of “major system” construction or other improvements to real property. Acquisition of capital project systems by the Office of Foreign Buildings, which would otherwise be subject to the requirements of A-109 are thus exempted from these requirements. Under separate authority, the DOS has other existing controls that provide the necessary review, approval, and monitoring procedures to manage capital project systems acquisitions by the Office of Foreign Buildings.

    (b) Pursuant to A-109 and paragraph (b) of the definition of “major system” prescribed in FAR 34.001, any DOS system shall be considered a major system if total acquisition costs with private industry are expected to equal or exceed $30,000,000.

    (c) The acquisition executive is the Under Secretary for Management for the purposes of paragraph (c) of the definition of “major system” prescribed in FAR 34.001. The acquisition executive is authorized to designate as a major system acquisition any DOS system not expected to meet or exceed the $30,000,000 threshold identified in paragraph (b) above; provided, that the determination shall be made in accordance with the requirements of A-109, FAR Part 34, and this part 634.

    (d) Classification as a major system acquisition is independent of the number of component DOS contracting activities involved in the process. A major system acquisition may occur entirely within the jurisdiction of a single contracting activity or it may involve more than one DOS contracting activity.

    (e) Each major system acquisition shall be in response to a need of one of the DOS major missions, which are identified in volume 1 of the Foreign Affairs Manual System.