§ 7.107-4 - Substantial bundling.  

Latest version.
  • 7.107-4 Substantial bundling.


    (1) Substantial bundling is any bundling that results in a contract or task or delivery order with an estimated value of -

    (i) $8 million or more for the Department of Defense;

    (ii) $6 million or more for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the General Services Administration, and the Department of Energy; or

    (iii) $2.5 million or more for all other agencies.

    (2) These thresholds apply to the cumulative estimated dollar value (including options) of -

    (i) Multiple-award contracts;

    (ii) Task orders or delivery orders issued against a GSA Schedule contract; or

    (iii) Task orders or delivery orders issued against a task-order or delivery-order contract awarded by another agency.

    (b) In addition to addressing the requirements for bundling (see 7.107-3), when the proposed acquisition strategy involves substantial bundling, the agency shall document in its strategy -

    (1) The specific benefits anticipated to be derived from substantial bundling;

    (2) An assessment of the specific impediments to participation by small business concerns as contractors that result from substantial bundling;

    (3) Actions designed to maximize small business participation as contractors, including provisions that encourage small business teaming;

    (4) Actions designed to maximize small business participation as subcontractors (including suppliers) at any tier under the contract, or order, that may be awarded to meet the requirements;

    (5) The determination that the anticipated benefits of the proposed bundled contract or order justify its use; and

    (6) Alternative strategies that would reduce or minimize the scope of the bundling, and the rationale for not choosing those alternatives.

    [81 FR 67770, Sept. 30, 2016, as amended at 83 FR 42572, Aug. 22, 2018]