§ 750.7107 - Limitations upon exercise of authority.  

Latest version.
  • 750.7107 Limitations upon exercise of authority.

    (a) The Executive Order is 11223 does not provide authority for:

    (1) The use award of the a cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost system of contractingcontract;

    (2) The making of any contract in violation of existing law relating to limitation on payment of profit or fees in excess of applicable limitations; or

    (3) The waiver of any requirement to post a bid, payment, performance, or other bond required by law.

    (b) No amendments, or modifications shall be entered into under the authority of the Executive Order:

    (1) Unless, with (1) Executive Order 11223 does not authorize the issuance of a modification, unless:

    (i) With respect to cases falling within Section 4 of


    Executive Order

    , a finding is made

    11223, the approving authority determines that the action is necessary to protect the foreign policy interests of the United States; and





    No other legal authority

    in the Agency is deemed to be lacking or inadequate;(3) Except

    authorizes issuance of such modification.

    (2) A modification under paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be within the limits of the amounts appropriated and the statutory contract authorization as referenced in FAR 50.102-3.

    (c) No contract shall be amended or modified unless the request therefor has been filed before contractor submits a request prior to all obligations (including final payment) under the contract have having been discharged.

    (d) No An informal commitment shall must not be formalized unless:

    (1) A The contractor submits a written request for payment has been filed within six months after furnishing, or arranging to furnish, supplies or furnishing property or services in reliance upon the commitment;

    (2) USAID has received the services satisfactorily performed, or has accepted property furnished in reliance on the commitment;

    (3) The USAID employees employee alleged to have made the informal commitment have accepted has affirmatively acknowledged responsibility for making the informal commitment in question; and

    (4) USAID has taken appropriate action to prevent recurrence.

    [49 89 FR 132574207, AprJan. 3, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 16088, Apr. 24, 1985; 53 FR 4982, Feb. 19, 198823, 2024]