§ 815.506-1 - Receipt and initial review.

Latest version.
  • (a) When VA contact point determines that a comprehensive evaluation is to be undertaken (i.e., the proposal complies with the requirements in FAR 15.506-1(a) and is related to the mission of VA), the offeror will be contacted to ensure that all data that should be restricted in accordance with FAR 15.509 has been identified.

    (b) The VA contact point will maintain a log of all unsolicited proposals which will be evaluated. The log will indicate:

    (1) The date the proposal was received;

    (2) The date that the unsolicited proposal has been determined to warrant a comprehensive evaluation;

    (3) A description of the proposal;

    (4) The offices requested to evaluate the proposal and the date such offices are requested to return their evaluations;

    (5) The date the reviewing offices finalize their respective evaluation; and

    (6) The final disposition of the proposal.

    (c) Each office which is assigned responsibility for reviewing an unsolicited proposal will be advised of the need to evaluate the proposal against the criteria set forth in FAR 15.507(a) (1) through (3), i.e., is the proposal available to the Government without restriction from another source, does it closely resemble a pending competitive acquisition, is the proposal lacking in demonstrated innovation or uniqueness? If the reviewers conclude in the affirmative as to any one of these questions, the VA contact point shall be advised and return the proposal to the proposer.

    (d) With regard to an unsolicited proposal being processed at a field facility, if the reviewing offices conclude that the unsolicited proposal should be accepted and provide the justification and certification required by FAR 15.507, the VA contact point will obtain the prior approval of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel Management (93) prior to proceeding with negotiation. In order to obtain the approval, the VA contact point will submit all necessary documentation supporting the noncompetitive negotiation including any justification and approval required by FAR Subpart 6.3 and results of any synopsis required by FAR Subpart 5.2 The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel Management will coordinate the proposal with the cognizant VA Central Office program official(s) and furnish the VA contact point with the final decision.

    (e) All copies of the unsolicited proposal will be controlled by the contact point by numbering each copy. If a reviewing office requires additional copies, the reviewing office will obtain approval of the VA contact point prior to duplication, numbering the copies as specified by the contact point. All copies will be returned to the VA contact point once review is completed.