§ 819.7003 - Eligibility.  

Latest version.
  • 819.7003 Eligibility.

    (a) Eligibility of SDVOSBs and VOSBs continues to be SDVOSB/VOSB size eligibility, challenges, and appeals are governed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) regulations , at 13 CFR subparts 125.8 through 125.13, as well as the FARparts 121, 125, and 134, except where expressly directed otherwise by the VAAR, and 38 CFR verification regulations for SDVOSBs and VOSBsthis part or 38 CFR part 74.

    (b) At the time of submission of offeroffers/quotes, and at the time of award of any contract, the offeror must represent to the contracting officer that it is a -

    (1) SDVOSB concern or VOSB concerneligible under this subpart;

    (2) Small business concern under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to the acquisition; and

    (3) Verified for eligibility in the VIP database. Listed as a verified SDVOSB/VOSB on the VA's Vendor Information Pages (VIP) at https://www.vetbiz.va.gov/vip/.

    (c) A joint venture may be considered an SDVOSB or VOSB concern if

    (1) At least one member of the joint venture is an SDVOSB or VOSB concern, and makes the representations in paragraph (b) of this section;

    (2) Each other concern is small under the size standard corresponding to the NAICS code assigned to the procurement;

    (3) The joint venture meets the requirements of paragraph 7 of the size standard explanation of affiliates in FAR 19.101; and

    (4) The joint venture meets the requirements of 13 CFR 125.15(b), modified to include veteran-owned small businesses where this CFR section refers to SDVOSB concerns.

    (d) Any SDVOSB or VOSB concern (nonmanufacturer) must meet the requirements in FAR 19.102(f) to receive a benefit under this program.

    eligible if it meets the requirements in 13 CFR part 125; and the joint venture is listed in the VIP database.

    (d) To receive a benefit under the Veterans First Contacting Program, an otherwise eligible SDVOSB/VOSB must also meet SBA requirements at 13 CFR parts 121 and 125, including the nonmanufacturer rule requirements at 13 CFR 121.406(b) and limitations on subcontracting at 13 CFR 125.6. The nonmanufacturer rule (see 13 CFR 121.406) and the limitations on subcontracting requirements apply to all SDVOSB and VOSB set-aside and sole source contracts above the micro-purchase threshold. An offeror shall submit a certification of compliance to be considered eligible for any award under this part (see 819.7004).

    (e) Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127(g), any business concern that is determined by VA to have willfully and intentionally misrepresented a company's SDVOSB/VOSB status is subject to debarment from contracting with the Department for a period of not less than five years. This includes the debarment of all principals in the business. See 809.406-270.