§ 831.7001-1 - Tuition.  

Latest version.
  • 831.7001-1 Tuition.

    (a) Except as provided in this section, when the contractor has a customary cost of tuition, the charge to VA may not exceed that Tuition and enrollment fees shall be paid at the institution's customary amount that -

    (1) Does not exceed the tuition charged to similarly circumstanced

    nonveteran students. If the contractor has more than one standard charge for the same service, the charge to VA must be

    non-Veteran students; and

    (2) Is equal to the lowest price

    that is

    offered or published for the entire course, semester, quarter, or term.

    (b) The cost of the Veteran student's tuition and fees under a contract shall be offset by -

    (1) Any amount of tuition and fees that are waived by a State or other government authority; or

    (2) Any amounts the Veteran student receives from a fellowship, scholarship, grant-in-aid, assistantship, or similar award that limits its use to payment of tuition, fees, or other charges that VA normally pays as part of a chapter 31 program.

    (c) VA will not


    pay tuition or incidental fees to institutions or establishments furnishing apprentice or


    on-the-job training. VA may elect to pay charges or expenses that fall into either of the following categories:

    (1) Charges customarily made by a nonprofit workshop or similar establishment for providing work adjustment training to similarly circumstanced


    non-Veteran students even if the trainee receives an incentive wage as part of the training.

    (2) Training expenses incurred by an employer who provides on-the-job training following rehabilitation to the point of employability when VA determines that the additional training is necessary.

    (c) When Federal funds pay the total cost of instruction, or grants from the Federal Government pay a portion of the cost (e.g., Smith-Hughes or other laws, excluding Federal Land Grant Funds), that subsidy will be taken into consideration in determining the charge to VA. The term “Federal Land Grant Funds” refers to those funds received under the Morrill-Nelson Act (Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 and the Nelson amendment of 1907) and section 22 of the Bankhead-Jones Act of 1935.

    (d) A veteran who is participating in a Chapter 31 program and receives an award of a fellowship, scholarship, grant-in-aid, assistantship, or similar award will have that award treated according to the following requirements:

    (1) If the award limits its use to payment of tuition, fees, or any charge that VA normally pays as part of a Chapter 31 program, VA will pay the portion of the charges remaining after applying the award.

    (2) In all other cases, VA will pay the full amount of the tuition, fees, or other charges.

    (e) If a State or other Government authority waives a veteran's tuition and fees, VA will reduce its payment of those charges by the amount of the waiver.

    (f) VA will pay enrollment fees for registration if both of the following conditions exist:

    (1) The institution or training establishment usually makes this charge.

    (2) The charge is not more than other students or trainees pay.