§ 836.202-70 - xxx  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at

    836.202-70 xxx

    Cross Reference

    Specifications - use of equal products.

    Upon approval of the justification documentation required by FAR 11.105, Items peculiar to one manufacturer, the contracting officer shall include the clause found at 852.236-90, Restriction on Submission and Use of Equal Products, in solicitations and contracts. The contracting officer shall complete the clause by inserting the items which have been approved for restriction to a brand name. This clause also places offerors or bidders on notice that the “brand name” provisions of any clause or provision that may authorize the submission of an “equal” product, shall not apply to the specific items listed in clause 852.236-90.

    [84 FR 9971, Mar. 19, 2019

