§ 836.602-1 - Selection criteria.  

Latest version.
  • 836.602-1 Selection criteria.

    (a) In addition to the evaluation criteria set forth in FAR 36.602-1, the evaluation board must consider the factors set forth in paragraph (b) of this section as they apply to the project or purpose of the selection. Values must be assigned to each factor in determining the relative qualifications of the firms identified as qualified through the pre-selection process. The board may adjust the assigned values after its discussions.

    (b) The following factors must be considered:

    (1) Reputation and standing of the firm and its principal officials with respect to professional performance, general management, and cooperativeness.

    (2) Record of significant claims against the firm because of improper or incomplete architectural and engineering services.

    (3) Specific experience and qualifications of personnel proposed for assignment to the project and their record of working together as a team.