§ 837.270 - Special controls for letters of agreement.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Letters of agreement may be used to procure advisory and assistance services and advisory board memberships only by those individuals designated in 801.670-5 and individuals delegated authority under the conditions specified in paragraph (b) of that section, and will be limited to a value of $500 per letter and to an accumulated annual total of $2,500 to any individual or firm. Letters of agreement should only be used where normal procurement channels are not feasible and only for obtaining the following services:

    (1) Advisory and assistance services including peer review of research proposals and advisory board memberships.

    (2) Management and professional services (837.271)

    (3) Instructors and training obtained pursuant to section 7472 of Title 38, United States Code.

    (b) The delegated official will perform or have performed for each letter of agreement all those duties and requirements prescribed in this subpart, as modified by paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section. That official will also insure that all reporting requirements are completed for each action.

    (c) The administration head or staff office director will be the highest level approving official for each procurement action which does not exceed $500 in consulting fees (excluding travel, per diem and other travel-related costs) and which does not award more than an accumulated total of $2,500 per year in consulting fees to any individual or firm. (Advisory and assistance services anticipated to exceed these dollar limitations will not be obtained through letters of agreement.)

    (d) Justifications for letters of agreement will provide a statement of need and will certify that such services do not unnecessarily duplicate any previously performed work or services. The justification will also certify that the procurement action will not violate post-employment restrictions prescribed in the Ethics in Government Act and 803.101-3.

    (e) Copies of all advisory and assistance services procurements accomplished through letters of agreement shall be provided to the local servicing purchase and contract office for entry into the Federal Procurement Data System.