§ 909.570-5 - Disclosure of organizational conflicts of interest.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When submitting solicited and unsolicited proposals for (1) evaluation services or activities; (2) technical consulting and management support services; (3) research and development conducted pursuant to the authority of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-275), as amended; and (4) other contractual situations where special organizational conflicts of interest provisions are noted in the solicitation and included in the resulting contract, offerors shall be required to identify and disclose information about contracts, investments, and all other interests relating to the work to be performed under the proposed contract or complete the representation in accordance with 909.570-7.

    (b) This requirement shall also apply to modifications of contracts of the types noted in paragraph (a) of this section that exercise an option or otherwise meaningfully extend the period of performance or add work, of the type noted in paragraph (a), to the contract. Where, however, a disclosure statement of the type required by the Organizational Conflicts of Interest Disclosure or Representation provision has previously been submitted with regard to the contract being modified, only an updating of such statement need be submitted. Information submitted by offerors pursuant to the disclosure requirement shall be treated by the Department, to the extent permitted by law, as confidential information to be used solely for OCI purposes.

    (c) When the Government finds that an organizational conflict of interest exists or may exist with respect to an offeror or contractor, no award of a contract or contract modification covered by 909.570-7 shall be made until the organizational conflict of interest has been avoided, except as provided in 909.570-9. An organizational conflict of interest has been avoided when corrective actions taken to remedy it result in there being little or no likelihood of an organizational conflict of interest.