§ 909.570-9 - Evaluation, findings, and contract award.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The contracting officer shall evaluate all relevant facts submitted by an offeror pursuant to the requirement of 909.570-6 and such other relevant information as may be available concerning possible organizational conflicts of interest. After evaluation of all such information in accordance with the criteria of 909.570-4, and prior to any award, the contracting officer shall make a finding as to whether a possible organizational conflict of interest may exist with respect to a particular offeror. If the contracting officer determines, in light of all relevant facts, that, with respect to a particular offeror, there is little or no likelihood of an organizational conflict of interest, then no organizational conflict of interest exists for purposes of making the contract award. Conversely, if the contracting officer determines, however, that there is more than little or no likelihood of an organizational conflict of interest, then an organizational conflict of interest exists with regard to that particular offeror. When formal Source Evaluation Board procedures are applicable, the finding shall be made by the Source Selection Official. If the finding indicates that such conflicts exist, then the contracting officer shall:

    (1) Disqualify the offeror from award; or

    (2) Avoid such conflicts by the inclusion of appropriate conditions in the resulting contract; or

    (3) If such conflicts cannot be avoided by an appropriate contract clause or other means, and the Secretary or the Secretary's designee has nevertheless determined that award of the contract to the offeror is in the best interest of the United States, the contract may be awarded. Where such a public interest determination is made, an appropriate written finding and determination shall be published in the Federal Register and an appropriate clause included in the contract to mitigate the conflict, to the extent feasible, prior to any award.

    (b) Examples of circumstances justifying the determination permitted by 909.570-9(a)(3) include, but are not limited to:

    (1) Situations where the public exigency will not otherwise permit; and

    (2) Situations where the work or services cannot otherwise be obtained.