§ 970.3102-20 - Cost prohibitions related to legal and other proceedings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Contractor costs incurred in connection with a criminal, civil or administrative proceeding involving contractor violation of, or failure to comply with, a Federal, State, local or foreign statute or regulation are subject to the allowable costs limitations established in section 8 of the Major Fraud Act of 1988, Public Law 100-700 (see 41 U.S.C. 256).

    (b) Implementation of the Major Fraud Act's contract cost limitations is specified in the applicable cost principles clauses at 970.5204-13(e)(33) or 970.5204-14(e)(31). Definitive cost principle criteria for determining the allowability of an M&O contractor's costs incurred in connection with a criminal, civil or administrative proceeding are set forth in the contract clause at 970.5204-61. Any change made to the cost principle criteria specified therein constitutes a deviation requiring Procurement Executive approval pursuant to 970.3100-3.