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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 49 - Transportation |
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Subtitle A - Office of the Secretary of Transportation |
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Part 10 - Maintenance of and Access to Records Pertaining to Individuals |
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Subpart I - Criminal Penalties |
Appendix F to Part 10 - Federal Railroad Administration
Introduction. This appendix, with respect to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA):a. Describes the places and times at which records are available for inspection and copying;
b. Indicates the systems of records maintained in the Federal Railroad Administration;
c. Identifies the officials having authority to deny requests for access to records;
d. Describes the procedures to be followed in requesting correction of a record; and
e. Describes identification requirements which may be in addition to those delineated in § 10.35 of these regulations.
Availability for Inspection and Copying. Places and times at which records are available for inspection and copying and the systems of records and systems managers having authority to deny requests for disclosure at each facility.a. Records in systems maintained in the Federal Railroad Administration are available at the Alaska Railroad, Anchorage, Alaska 99510, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Systems of Records and Responsible Systems Managers: 1. Alaska Railroad Examination of Operating Personnel; DOT/FRA Operations Officer (System Manager).
2. Alaska Railroad Personnel and Pay Management Information System; DOT/FRA—General Manager (System Manager).
3. Alaska Railroad Security and Freight Claims Investigatory Files; DOT/FRA—Chief, Security and Claims Office (Systems Manager).
Places: The Alaska Railroad, Anchorage, Alaska 99510. Hours: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.Systems of Records and Responsible Systems Managers: 1. Application for (Vehicle) Operator's Identification Card; DOT/FRA—Director, Office of Administrative Operations (System Manager).
2. Confidential Statement of Employment and Financial Interest; DOT/FRA—Chief Counsel, Office of the Chief Counsel (System Manager).
3. Employee Travel Records; DOT/FRA—Accounting Officer, Accounting Division (System Manager).
4. Occupational Safety and Health Reporting System; DOT/FRA—FRA Safety Manager, Office of Administrative Operations (System Manager).
5. Office of Safety Past Employees Files; DOT/FRA—Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety (System Manager).
6. Personnel and Pay Management Information Systems; DOT/FRA—Director, Office of Personnel and Training (System Manager).
7. Travel Advance Records; DOT/FRA—Director, Office of Administrative Operations (System Manager).
8. Work Measurement System; DOT/FRA—Director, Office of Management Systems.
Places: Regional Offices as follows: Region 2, Federal Railroad Administration, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106.
Region 3, Federal Railroad Administration, College Park, Ga. 30337.
Region 4, Federal Railroad Administration, Chicago, Illinois 60605.
Region 5, Federal Railroad Administration, Ft. Worth, Texas 76102.
Region 6, Federal Railroad Administration, Portland, Oregon 97204.
Region 7, Federal Railroad Administration, San Francisco, California 94102.
Region 8, Federal Railroad Administration, Kansas City, Missouri 64106
Hours: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Systems of Records and Responsible Systems Managers at each Region: Regional Personnel Convenience Files; DOT/FRA—Regional Directors (Systems Manager)
Place: Transportation Test Center (TTC) Pueblo, Colorado 81001. Hours: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.System of Records and Responsible System Manager: Transportation Test Center Employee Service Record File—Director, TTC (System Manager)
Transportation Test Center Cost Tracking System—Director TTC (System Manager)
Access to Records. a. Each individual desiring to determine whether a record pertaining to him or her is contained in a system of records or to obtain
a copy of such a record, shall make his request in writing to the appropriate official listed as responsible system manager in this appendix. Each request shall specify the name of the requesting individual and the system of records in which the subject record is located or thought to be located. b. FRA allows individuals to request amendment of their personal records to the extent that such amendment does not violate existing statutes, regulations, or administrative procedures. Requests to amend personal records of active employees should be addressed to the responsible system managers specified in 2.3A-D.
c. The system managers provide written acknowledgment of the receipt of a request to amend a record to the individual within ten days. However, if the request can be reviewed, processed and the individual notified of compliance or denial within the ten-day working period, no acknowledgment is required.
d. If FRA agrees with an individual's request to amend the person's record, the following steps are taken:
1. Advises the individual in writing;
2. Corrects the record accordingly; and
3. If a prior disclosure has been made, advises all previous recipients of the record of the correction and its substance.
e. If FRA, after an initial review by the system manager of a request to amend a personal record, disagrees with all or any portion of it, FRA:
1. Advises the individual of refusal and the reasons for it;
2. Informs the individual of procedures to request a further review;
f. If an individual disagrees with the initial determination, the individual may file a request for a further review of that determination. The request for a review should be addressed to:
Attn: Privacy Act of 1974, Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC 20590.
g. If after this review FRA refuses to amend the record as the individual requested, FRA advises the individual:
1. Of refusal and the reasons for it;
2. Of the individual's right to file a concise statement of the reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the Administration;
3. The procedures for filing the statement of disagreement;
4. That the statement which is filed will be made available to anyone to whom the record is subsequently disclosed;
5. Of the individual's right to seek judicial review of the refusal to amend a record.
h. The final FRA determination on the individual's request is concluded within thirty (30) working days unless the FRA Administrator determines that a fair and equitable review cannot be completed in that time-frame. If additional time is required, the individual is informed in writing of reasons for the delay and of the estimated date on which the review is expected to be completed.
Procedures for Establishing Indentity of Individual Making a Request: a. Disclosure of personnel records requires that the individual produce an identification card: employee identification, annuitant identification, Medicare cards, or driver's license are examples. For records disclosed by mail, FRA requires identifying information to locate the record, i.e., employee identification number, name, date of birth or social security number. A comparison of the signature of the requester and those in the record is used to determine identity.
b. If an individual can provide no suitable documents for identification, FRA requires a signed statement asserting identity and stipulating that the individual understands that knowingly or willfully seeking or obtaining access to records about another person under false pretenses is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 under 5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(3).