§ 178.270-14 - Marking of tanks.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Each tank must bear a corrosion resistant metal identification plate that is permanently attached to the portable tank and readily accessible for inspection. The information required in paragraph (b), and, when appropriate, paragraph (c) of this section must be stamped, embossed or otherwise marked by an equally durable method on the plate in characters at least 3 mm (0.118 inches) high. The plate must not be painted.

    (b) Required information. At least the following information must appear on the metal identification plate for each tank:

    (1) US DOT Specification number.

    (2) Country of manufacture.

    (3) Manufacturer's name.

    (4) Date of manufacture.

    (5) Manufacturer's serial number.

    (6) Identification of USA/DOT approval agency and approval number.

    (7) MAWP, in bar or psig.

    (8) Test pressure, in bar or psig.

    (9) Total measured water capacity at 20 °C (68 °F), in liters or gallons.

    (10) Maximum allowable gross weight, in kg or lbs.

    (11) Equivalent minimum shell thickness in mild steel, in mm or inches.

    (12) Tank material and specification number.

    (13) Metallurgical design temperature range, in °C or °F.

    (c) Additional information. The following additional information must appear on the metal identification plate when applicable:

    (1) Lining material.

    (2) Heating coil MAWP in bar and psig.

    (3) Corrosion allowance, in mm or in.

    (d) In addition to the markings required above, each tank used in international transport must have a Safety Approval Plate containing the information required in §§ 451.21 through 451.25 of this title.

    (e) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to preclude the display of other pertinent information on the required metal identification plate.