§ 193.2193 - Movement and stress.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each operator shall determine for normal operations of each LNG storage tank—

    (1) The amount and pattern of predictable movement of components, including transfer piping, and the foundation, which could result from thermal cycling, loading forces, and ambient air changes; and

    (2) For a storage tank with an inner container, the predictable movement of the inner container and the outer shell in relation to each other.

    (b) Storage tanks must be designed to provide adequate allowance for stress due to movement determined under paragraph (a) of this section, including provisions that—

    (1) Backfill does not cause excessive stresses on the tank structure due to expansion of the storage tank during warmup;

    (2) Insulation does not settle to a damaging degree or unsafe condition during thermal cycling; and

    (3) Expansion bends and other expansion or contraction devices are adequate to prevent excessive stress on tank penetrations, especially during cooldown from ambient temperatures.