§ 23.85 - Emergency enforcement procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Whenever the Secretary determines that the conciliation and enforcement proceedings set forth in §§ 23.81 and 23.83 will not result in the timely and adequate enforcement of the provisions of this part, he/she initiates special enforcement procedures to obtain compliance.

    (b) Emergency reasonable cause notice. A notice is sent, registered mail, return receipt requested, describing the areas of alleged noncompliance, setting forth the reasons why the normal course of conciliation and enforcement pursuant to §§ 23.81 and 23.83 will not result in timely and adequate enforcement, and requiring the recipient to show cause, within a specified period of time, generally not to exceed 15 days, why appropriate action, described in the notice, to ensure compliance should not be taken. The notice states that the recipient must respond in writing or orally on the record before an official appointed by the Secretary or the proposed action will be taken.

    (c) Decision. If the Secretary, after reviewing the recipient's oral or written response, determines that such action is necessary, he/she orders that all or any part of the contracting activities of the recipient affected by the recipient's alleged noncompliance be halted until the matter is resolved under § 23.81 or § 23.83. The Secretary's action under this paragraph may not affect any contract already awarded. When the Secretary makes an order under this paragraph, resolution of the matter shall proceed on an expedited basis.