§ 271.605 - General requirements; procedure.  

Latest version.
  • § 271.605 General requirements; procedure.

    (a) Each railroad subject to this part shall:

    (1) Establish and implement an FRMP as part of its RRP; and

    (2) Establish an FRA-approved FRMP plan as a component of a railroad's FRA-approved RRP plan and then update the FRMP plan as necessary as part of the annual internal assessment of its RRP under § 271.401.

    (b) A railroad's FRMP plan must explain the railroad's method of analysis of fatigue risks and the railroad's process(es) for implementing its FRMP.


    (1) A railroad shall submit an FRMP plan to FRA for approval no later than either the applicable timeline in § 271.301(b) for filing its RRP plan or July 13, 2023, whichever is later; and

    (2) A railroad shall submit updates to its FRMP plan under the process for amending its RRP plan in § 271.303.

    (d) FRA shall review and approve or disapprove a railroad's FRMP plan under the process for reviewing RRP plans in § 271.301(d) and updates to the railroad's FRMP plan under the process for reviewing amendments to an RRP plan in § 271.303(c). FRA approval of a railroad's FRMP plan amends a railroad's RRP plan to include the FRMP plan as a component.