§ 654.35 - Random testing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing shall be 25 percent of covered employees.

    (b) The Administrator's decision to increase or decrease the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is based on the reported violation rate for the entire industry. All information used for this determination is drawn from the alcohol MIS reports required by § 654.53. In order to ensure reliability of the data, the Administrator considers the quality and completeness of the reported data, may obtain additional information or reports from employers, and may make appropriate modifications in calculating the industry violation rate. Each year, the Administrator will publish in the Federal Register the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing of covered employees. The new minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing will be applicable starting January 1 of the calendar year following publication.

    (c)(1) When the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is 25 percent or more, the Administrator may lower this rate to 10 percent of all covered employees if the Administrator determines that the data received under the reporting requirements of § 654.53 for two consecutive calendar years indicate that the violation rate is less than 0.5 percent. However, after the initial two years of testing by large transit operators and the initial first year of testing by small transit operators, the Administrator may lower the rate the following calendar year, if the combined violation rate is less than 0.5 percent and is in the interests of safety.

    (2) When the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is 50 percent, the Administrator may lower this rate to 25 percent of all covered employees if the Administrator determines that the data received under the reporting requirements of § 654.53 for two consecutive calendar years indicate that the violation rate is less than 1.0 percent but equal to or greater than 0.5 percent.

    (d)(1) When the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is 10 percent, and the data received under the reporting requirements of § 654.53 for that calendar year indicate that the violation rate is equal to or greater than 0.5 percent, but less than 1.0 percent, the Administrator will increase the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing to 25 percent of all covered employees.

    (2) When the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is 25 percent or less, and the data received under the reporting requirements of § 654.53 for that calendar year indicate that the violation rate is equal to or greater than 1.0 percent, the Administrator will increase the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing to 50 percent of all covered employees.

    (e) The selection of employees for random alcohol testing shall be made by a scientifically valid method, such as a random number table or a computer-based random number generator that is matched with employees’ Social Security numbers, payroll identification numbers, or other comparable identifying numbers. Under the selection process used, each covered employee shall have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made.

    (f) The employer shall randomly select a sufficient number of covered employees for testing during each calendar year to equal an annual rate not less than the minimum annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing determined by the Administrator. If the employer conducts random alcohol testing through a consortium, the number of employees to be tested may be calculated for each individual employer or may be based on the total number of covered employees covered by the consortium who are subject to random alcohol testing at the same minimum annual percentage rate under this part or any DOT alcohol testing rule.

    (g) Each employer shall ensure that random alcohol tests conducted under this part are unannounced and that the dates for administering random tests are spread reasonably throughout the calendar year.

    (h) Each employer shall require that each covered employee who is notified of selection for random alcohol testing proceeds to the test site immediately; provided, however, that if the employee is performing a safety-sensitive function at the time of the notification, the employer shall instead ensure that the employee ceases to perform the safety-sensitive function and proceeds to the testing site as soon as possible.

    (i) A covered employee shall only be randomly tested while the employee is performing safety-sensitive functions; just before the employee is to perform safety-sensitive functions; or just after the employee has ceased performing such functions.

    (j) If a given covered employee is subject to random alcohol testing under the alcohol testing rules of more than one DOT agency for the same employer, the covered employee shall be subject to random alcohol testing at the minimum annual percentage rate established for the calendar year by the DOT agency regulating more than 50 percent of the covered employee's function.

    (k) If an employer is required to conduct random alcohol testing under the alcohol testing rules of more than one DOT agency, the employer may—

    (1) Establish separate pools for random selection, with each pool containing the DOT-covered employees who are subject to testing at the same required minimum annual percentage rate; or

    (2) Randomly select such employees for testing at the highest minimum annual percentage rate established for the calendar year by any DOT agency to which the employer is subject.