§ 659.45 - Oversight agency report to the Federal Transit Administration.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Initial submissions. Before January 1, 1997, the oversight agency must submit to FTA the following information, which must be updated as necessary:

    (1) The name and address of the oversight agency;

    (2) The name(s) and address(es) of the transit agency or agencies subject to the oversight agency's jurisdiction under this part; and

    (3) A written description of the oversight agency's oversight program including the following information:

    (i) A copy of its system safety program standard;

    (ii) Its procedures or process for reviewing and approving the transit agency's system safety program plan;

    (iii) Its investigatory procedures; and

    (iv) Its procedures for ensuring that appropriate corrective actions have been taken by the transit agency to correct, eliminate, minimize, or control investigated hazardous conditions.

    (b) Annual submissions. Before March 15 of each year, the oversight agency must submit to FTA a publicly available annual report summarizing its oversight activities for the preceding twelve months, including a description of the most common probable causal factors of accidents and unacceptable hazardous conditions.

    (c) Periodic submissions. Status reports of accidents, hazardous conditions, and corrective action plans must be forwarded to the FTA upon request.

    (d) Addresses. Reports and annual summaries must be sent to: Federal Transit Administration, Office of Safety and Security, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20590.