§ 7.95 - Fee schedule.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The standard fee for a manual search to locate a record requested under subpart F of this part, including making it available for inspection, will be determined by multiplying each searcher's hourly rate plus 16 percent by the time spent conducting the search.

    (b) The standard fee for a computer search for a record requested under subpart F of this part is the actual cost. This includes the cost of operating the central processing unit (CPU) for the time directly attributable to searching for records responsive to a FOIA request and the operator/programmer salary (hourly rate plus 16 percent) costs apportionable to the search.

    (c) The standard fee for review of records requested under subpart F of this part is the reviewer's hourly rate plus 16 percent multiplied by the time he or she spent determining whether the requested records are exempt from mandatory disclosure.

    (d) The standard fee for duplication of a record requested under subpart F of this part is determined as follows:

    (1) Per copy of each page (not larger than 81/2×14 inches) reproduced by photocopy or similar methods (includes costs of personnel and equipment), $0.10.

    (2) Per copy prepared by computer, such as tapes or printout, Actual costs, including operator time.

    (3) Per copy prepared by any other method of duplication, Actual direct cost of production.

    (e) Depending upon the category of requester, and the use for which the records are requested, in some cases the fees computed in accordance with the above standard fee schedule must either be reduced or not charged, as prescribed by other provisions of this subpart.

    (f) The following special services not required by the FOIA may be made available upon request, at the stated fees:

    Certified copies of documents, with Department of Transportation or operating element seal (where authorized), $4.00, or true copy, without seal, $2.00.