Appendix I to Part 7 - Maritime Administration  

Latest version.
  • 1. General. This appendix describes the location and hours of operation of the document inspection facility of the Maritime Administration (MARAD), the kinds of records that are available for public inspection and copying at that facility, and the procedures by which members of the public may make requests for reasonably described records.

    2. Document inspection facility. The document inspection facility for MARAD is maintained in room 7300 of the Department of Transportation Building, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590. The facility is open to the public between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday, except legal public holidays and other special closings.

    3. Records available at the document inspection facility. The following records are maintained at the document inspection facility:

    (a) Any material issued by MARAD and published in the Federal Register, including regulations, for the most recent five years.

    (b) Opinions, decisions, and orders of the Maritime Administrator/MARAD and of the Maritime Subsidy Board (including concurrences and dissents, if any).

    (c) Any policy or interpretation issued by MARAD, including any policy or interpretation concerning a particular factual situation, if that policy or interpretation can reasonably be expected to have precedential value in any case involving a member of the public in a similar situation.

    (d) Any administrative staff manual or instruction to staff, issued by MARAD, that affects any member of the public, including the prescribing of any standard, procedure, or policy that, when implemented, requires or limits any action of any member of the public or prescribes the manner of performance of any activity by any member of the public as described in subpart E of this part.

    (e) An index of the records described in (b) through (d).

    4. Requests for reasonably described records under subpart F of this part. Each person desiring to inspect a record, or to obtain a copy thereof, should submit a request in writing to the Freedom of Information Officer, Maritime Administration, room 7300, 400 Seventh Street, NW., Washington, DC 20590. Each request should be accompanied by a signed authorization to conduct the search and agreement to pay any costs incurred. Prepayment may be required before delivery is made. The requester may stipulate a maximum fee which he or she will pay.

    5. The official having authority to make determinations on requests, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, is the Freedom of Information Officer or an appropriate designee.

    6. Appeal of determination not to disclose records and/or waive fees. Any person who has been notified that a record or part of a record that has been requested will not be disclosed, or that a request for a fee waiver or reduction will not be granted, either in whole or in part, may appeal in writing to the Maritime Administrator, Maritime Administration, room 7206, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. The decision of the Maritime Administrator is administratively final.