Appendix A to Subpart C to Part 591 - Daily Transportation Allowance Schedule, Commuting Over Land by Private Motor Vehicle to Remote Duty Posts  

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  • Degree A Commuting Conditions

    Good paved roads; climatic conditions cause intermittent driving difficulty.

    Degree B Commuting Conditions

    Roads typically fair but may be good for part of distance or may be unpaved for short distances; climatic conditions during part of a season, in relation to terrain, contribute to additional cost.

    Degree C Commuting Conditions

    Fair to poor roads; unpaved for part of distance, or travel over range; hilly or mountainous terrain; climatic conditions during most of a season contribute to additional cost.

    [44 FR 55134, Sept. 25, 1979, as amended at 45 FR 76087, Nov. 18, 1980; 58 FR 32278, June 9, 1993]