Part 10400 - Public Availability of Information

Subpart A - Freedom of Information Act Policies and Procedures
§ 10400.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 10400.2 - The Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator - organization and functions.
§ 10400.3 - Definitions.
§ 10400.4 - Access to information.
§ 10400.5 - Records requiring consultation, referral, and coordination.
§ 10400.6 - How to request records - form and content.
§ 10400.7 - Responses - form and content.
§ 10400.8 - Expedited and multi-track processing, and aggregation of requests for processing.
§ 10400.9 - Extension of time.
§ 10400.10 - Appeal procedures.
§ 10400.11 - Fees to be charged - general.
§ 10400.12 - Fees to be charged - miscellaneous provisions.
§ 10400.13 - Fees to be charged - categories of requesters.
§ 10400.14 - Restrictions on charging fees.
§ 10400.15 - Waiver or reduction of fees.
§ 10400.16 - Aggregation of requests for fees.
§ 10400.17 - Markings on released documents.
§ 10400.18 - Confidential commercial information.
Subpart B - Privacy Act Policies and Procedures
§ 10400.19 - Definitions.
§ 10400.20 - Purpose and scope.
§ 10400.21 - How do I make a Privacy Act request?
§ 10400.22 - How will IPEC respond to my Privacy Act request?
§ 10400.23 - What can I do if I am dissatisfied with IPEC's response to my Privacy Act request?
§ 10400.24 - What does it cost to get records under the Privacy Act?