§ 1210.21 - Initial decision by the adjudicating official.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. The adjudicating official must issue a decision after the close of the record and a copy of the decision must be provided to each party to the appeal and to the Director. An initial decision must be issued no later than 90 days after the date on which the appeal is filed. However, failure to meet this deadline will not prejudice any party to the case and will not form the basis for any legal action by any party. See 5 CFR 9701.706(l). A document that is filed with a Board office by personal delivery is considered filed on the date on which the Board office receives it. The date of filing by facsimile is the date of the facsimile. The date of filing by mail is the date on the Board's acknowledgment order, and the Board must issue an acknowledgment order within five calendar days after receiving the appeal. The date of filing by commercial delivery is the date the document was delivered to the commercial delivery service. The date of filing by e-filing is the date of electronic submission. For purposes of this subsection only, a document that is filed with a Board office by personal delivery is considered filed on the date on which the Board office receives it.

    (b) Consideration of penalty. The adjudicating official may modify the penalty imposed by the Department if he or she determines that such penalty is so disproportionate to the basis for the action as to be wholly without justification. In cases of multiple charges, the adjudicating official's determination in this regard is based on the justification for the penalty as it relates to the sustained charge(s). When a penalty is mitigated, the maximum justifiable penalty must be applied.

    (c) Interim relief. (1) If an employee is the prevailing party in an appeal under this subpart, the employee must be granted the relief provided in the decision upon issuance of the decision, subject to paragraph (b)(3) of this section. Such relief remains in effect pending the outcome of any petition for review unless—

    (i) An adjudicating official determines that the granting of such relief is not appropriate; or

    (ii) The relief granted in the decision provides that the employee will return or be present at the place of employment pending the outcome of any petition for review, and the Department, subject to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, determines, in its sole, exclusive, and unreviewable discretion, that the return or presence of the employee would be unduly disruptive to the work environment.

    (2) If the Department makes a determination under paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section that prevents the return or presence of an employee at the place of employment, such employee must receive pay, compensation, and all other benefits as terms and conditions of employment pending the outcome of any petition for review.

    (3) Nothing in the provisions of this section may be construed to require that any award of back pay or attorney fees be paid before the decision is final.