§ 1605.7 - Plan-paid lost earnings and other corrections.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Plan-paid lost earnings. (1) Subject to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, if, because of an error committed by the Board or the TSP recordkeeper, a participant's account does not receive credit for earnings (which may be positive or negative) that it would have received had the error not occurred, the account will be credited with the difference between the earnings (if any) it actually received and the earnings it would have received had the error not occurred. The errors that warrant crediting of lost earnings under this paragraph (a) include, but are not limited to:

    (i) Board or TSP recordkeeper delay in crediting contributions or other monies to a participant's account;

    (ii) Improper issuance of a loan or withdrawal payment to a participant or beneficiary which requires the money to be restored to the participant's account; and

    (iii) Investment of all or part of a participant's account in the wrong TSP investment fund(s) (e.g., improper processing or failure to process an interfund transfer request).

    (2) A participant's TSP account will not be credited with earnings under paragraph (a)(1) of this section if, during the period the participant's account received credit for less earnings than it would have received but for the Board or recordkeeper error, the participant had the use of the money on which the earnings would have accrued.

    (3) In the case of an error described in paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, the affected participant will, upon discovery of the error, be given a choice whether or not to have the error corrected. If the participant chooses correction, the account will be placed in the position it would have attained had the error not occurred, including crediting of earnings (positive or negative as the case may be) that would have accrued had the error not occurred and reallocation of the account balance among the investment funds in the proportions that would have existed had the error not occurred.

    (4) Where the participant continued to have a TSP account, or would have continued to have a TSP account but for the Board or TSP recordkeeper error, earnings under paragraph (a)(1) of this section will be computed for the relevant period based upon the investment funds in which the affected monies would have been invested had the error not occurred. If the period for which lost earnings are paid is a period for which the participant did not, and should not, have had an account in the TSP, then the earnings will be computed using the G Fund rate of return for the relevant period.

    (b) Reversal of loan distributions. If, because of Board or TSP recordkeeper error, a TSP loan is declared a taxable distribution under circumstances that make such declaration inconsistent with FERSA, 5 CFR Part 1655, with the provisions of the documents (including instructions) signed by or provided to the participant in connection with the application for or issuance of the loan, or with other procedures established by the Board or TSP recordkeeper in connection with the TSP loan program, the taxable distribution will be reversed. The participant will be provided an opportunity to reinstate or repay in full the outstanding balance on the loan.

    (c) Other corrections. The Executive Director may, in his discretion and consistent with the requirements of applicable law, correct any other errors not specifically addressed in this section or provide any other relief to a participant, including payment of lost earnings from the TSP, if the Executive Director determines that the correction or relief would serve the interests of justice, fairness, and equity among the participants of the TSP.