§ 1605.8 - Claims for correction of Board or TSP Recordkeeper errors; time limitations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Filing claims. Claims for correction under this subpart may be submitted initially either to the TSP recordkeeper or the Board. The claim must be in writing and may be from the affected participant or beneficiary or from a representative of the participant or beneficiary. The written claim must state the basis for the claim.

    (b) Processing claims. (1) If the initial claim is submitted to the TSP recordkeeper, the TSP recordkeeper may either respond directly to the participant or the person making the claim on behalf of the participant, or may forward the letter to the Board for response. The decision whether the TSP recordkeeper should respond directly or forward the claim to the Board will be made in accordance with guidance and procedures established by the Board or, if no such specific guidance is available, in consultation with the Board's staff. If the TSP recordkeeper responds to a participant's claim, and all or any part of the participant's claim is denied, the participant may request review by the Board within 90 days of the date of the recordkeeper's response.

    (2) If the Board denies all or any part of a participant's claim (whether upon review of a TSP recordkeeper denial or upon an initial review by the Board), the participant will be deemed to have exhausted his or her administrative remedy and may file suit under 5 U.S.C. 8477. If the participant does not submit to the Board a request for review of a claim denial by the TSP Recordkeeper within the 90 days permitted under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the participant shall not be deemed to have exhausted his or her administrative remedy.

    (c) Time limits for filing claims. (1)(i) Upon discovery of errors subject to correction under this subpart, the Board or TSP recordkeeper will promptly correct such errors in accordance with this subpart, regardless of whether a claim for correction is received from the affected participant. If an error has not been corrected by the Board or TSP recordkeeper, the affected participant must file a claim for correction within one year of the earlier of:

    (A) His or her receipt of a pay stub, earnings and leave statement, or other document reflecting the error; or

    (B) The close of the first TSP election period following the participant's receipt of a TSP Participant Statement reflecting the error.

    (ii) For purposes of paragraphs (c)(1)(i)(A) and (c)(1)(i)(B) of this section, in the case of a participant whose retirement coverage has been improperly classified, the receipt of a document indicating the participant's retirement code classification is not, in and of itself, sufficient to notify the participant that his or her retirement code classification is incorrect.

    (2) If a participant fails in a timely manner to file a claim for correction (or fails in a timely manner to request reconsideration of a claim) under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Board or TSP recordkeeper may still correct any administrative error that is brought to or comes to its attention.