§ 1653.25 - Payment pursuant to qualifying legal process.

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  • (a) Payment will be made pursuant to qualifying legal process after the Board's decision has been issued and the 30-day tax withholding notification period has ended. The taxpayer may receive the payment sooner by waiving the tax notification period.

    (b) A payment made pursuant to qualifying legal process will be made only to the persons or entities specified in the process. If payment is to be made to the spouse or former spouse of the participant, he or she may request that the TSP transfer all or a portion of his or her payment to an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) or other eligible retirement plan. Such a request must be made by filing Form TSP-13-S, “Spouse Election to Transfer to IRA or Other Eligible Retirement Plan”, which must be received before payment.

    (c) In no case may a payment made pursuant to qualifying legal process exceed the participant's vested account balance, excluding any outstanding loan amount as of the end of the month preceding the date of payment. If the amount to be paid exceeds the participant's vested account balance (excluding any outstanding loan amount), then only the vested amount in the account (excluding the outstanding loan balance) will be paid.

    (d) The entire amount to be paid pursuant to qualifying legal process must be disbursed at one time. A series of payments will not be made even if the process provides for such a method of payment. A payment made pursuant to qualifying legal process extinguishes all further rights to any payment under that legal process even if the entire amount specified could not be paid. Any further payment must be made pursuant to separate legal process.

    (e) Multiple legal processes pending before the Board will be honored as follows:

    (1) As between conflicting legal processes relating to the same spouse, same former spouse, or same children of the participant, the Board will pay only the legal process bearing the latest date of issuance.

    (2) As between conflicting legal processes relating to two or more former spouses or to different children of the participant, the Board will pay the legal processes in the order of their dates of issuance starting with the legal process bearing the earliest date and continuing until the account is exhausted.

    (f) Payment cannot be made jointly to more than one person. If payment is to be made to more than one person, the legal process must separately indicate the amount to be paid to each.

    (g) In order to make payment pursuant to a qualifying legal process, the TSP recordkeeper must be provided with the full name and mailing address of the payee, even if the payment is being mailed to another address. In addition, if the payee is a spouse or former spouse of the participant, the payee must provide his or her Social Security number.

    (h) If the payee dies before a payment is made pursuant to a qualifying legal process, payment will be made to the estate of the payee, unless otherwise specified by the legal process. If the participant dies before payment is made pursuant to qualifying legal process, the process will be honored as long as it is received by the TSP before payment of the account, regardless of whether the order was received before the participant's death.

    (i) A payment made pursuant to qualifying legal process in accordance with this subpart bars recovery by any other person or entity pursuant to that qualifying legal process.

    (j) Payments made pursuant to qualifying legal process will be paid pro rata from the TSP investment funds in which the participant is invested, on the date as of which the payment is made. The TSP will not honor provisions of legal process that require payment to be made from specific investment funds.

    (k) Unless the qualifying legal process specifically provides, interest or earnings will not be paid on the amount paid to a party or parties pursuant to the qualifying legal process.