§ 1701.3 - Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The underlying purpose of the Commission is to strengthen the ability of the United States federal system of government to meet the problems of an increasingly complex society by promoting greater cooperation, understanding and coordination of activities between the separate levels of government. More specifically the purpose of the Commission includes the objectives of:

    (a) Bringing together representatives of the Federal, State, and local governments for the consideration of common problem;

    (b) Providing a forum for discussing the administration and coordination of Federal grant and other programs requiring intergovernmental cooperation;

    (c) Giving critical attention to the conditions and controls involved in the administration of Federal grant programs;

    (d) Making available technical assistance to the executive and legislative branches of the Federal Government in the review of proposed legislation to determine its overall effect on the Federal system;

    (e) Encouraging discussion and study at an early stage of emerging public problems that are likely to require intergovernmental cooperation;

    (f) Recommending within the framework of the Constitution, the most desirable allocation of governmental functions, responsibilities, and revenues amount the several levels of government; and

    (g) Recommending methods of coordinating and simplifying tax laws and administrative practices to achieve a more orderly and less competitive fiscal relationship between the levels of government and to reduce the burden of compliance for taxpayers.