Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel |
Chapter II - Merit Systems Protection Board |
§ 1702.4 - Responsibilities and duties of the Commission and Commission members.
Studies, recommendations and reports. In accordance with section 5 of Pub. L. 86-380 (42 U.S.C. 4275), the Commission is responsible for choosing topics to study and consider, for recommending “ways and means for fostering better relations between the levels of government,” and for submitting reports to the President, Congress and any other unit of government or organization, including an annual report to the President and Congress. The Commission, or the Chairman upon explicit delegation by the Commission, must approve publication of each formal report containing legislative recommendations (series “A” reports) and information reports (series “M” reports).(b)
Meeting and hearings. The Commission, by majority vote of those attending the meeting, may call meetings and hearings at such times and places as it deems appropriate.(c)
Executive Director. In accordance with section 6(c) of Pub. L. 86-380 (42 U.S.C. 4276(c)), as amended, the Commission appoints at a regular or special meeting, compensates and removes the Executive Director.(d)
Committees. The Commission may establish such committees as it deems necessary or desirable to guide research, to hold hearings, or to perform other duties.(e)
Responsibilities and duties of Commission members. Members are expected to:(1) Attend all meetings.
(2) Be familiar with docket book contents.
(3) Be prepared to discuss and vote on proposed recommendations.
(4) Attend ACIR public hearings and suggest witnesses.
(5) Make speeches and appearances on behalf of ACIR.
(6) Testify for ACIR at Congressional hearings.
(7) Upon request of the Chairman, serve on Commission committees.
Any member authorized by the Commission may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing before the Commission or any committee or members thereof (section 6(a), Pub. L. 86-380 (42 U.S.C. 4276(a)).