§ 412.103 - Criteria for programs for the systematic training and development of executives, managers, supervisors, and candidates.  

Latest version.
  • Each agency must provide for the initial and continuing development of individuals in executive, managerial, and supervisory positions, and candidates for those positions. The agency must issue a written policy to assure that their development programs:

    (a) Are designed as part of the agency's strategic plan and foster a corporate perspective.

    (b) Make assignments to training and development consistent with the merit system principles set forth in 5 U.S.C. 2301(b) (1) and (2).

    (c) Provide for:

    (1) Initial training as an individual makes critical career transitions to become a new supervisor, a new manager, or a new executive consistent with the results of needs assessments;

    (2) Continuing learning experiences, both short- and long-term, throughout an individual's career in order for the individual to achieve the mastery level of proficiency for his or her current management level and position; and

    (3) Systematic development of candidates for advancement to a higher management level. Formal candidate development programs leading to noncompetitive placement eligibility represent one, but not the only, type of systematic development.